Meng Qi and Ye Fashan and others were surprised. Although they knew that the wind soul was extraordinary, they were prepared after all. They thought that the wind soul could not be so many enemies no matter how severe it was. Who knows that the wind soul’s capability has not been attenuated since it gave up the green sun spirit,

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The small courtyard is the array center of Taikang City. He can feel the noisy but peaceful fireworks from all parts of the city. At this moment, he had another feeling about the mysterious dogma. If heaven is bound, let alone the other world, the influx of wild beasts is also a great disaster for the creatures in this world

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About 50 meters tall, the whole body has a conspicuous metallic texture. His physical features are biased towards human males. Most of the body is red. Only a few parts including the head with horns are silvery white. There is a blue gem several meters in diameter on his chest and a green gem many times smaller on his forehead.

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Think of this cold light flashing in Cangwu’s eyes and start work directly! Cangwusheng wants to estimate that it will be wrong to be trapped in the re-evolution of the world with black and white hands However, he found that just bully, brave and brave, and others blew themselves up, and the Zodiac Dragon and Zhang Guifang traumatized him and

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This trial trip has gained a lot. With more than a dozen epic technologies from the Candeira Empire, many shortcomings in its own technology will be greatly supplemented. Of course, these technologies are all small-scale technologies. There are more than 300 kinds of technical drawings for a certain instrument/tool/medicament/instrument drawing No.44 trial storage, which is only a negligible part of

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